Home Nutrition & Diet 15 Amazing Falsa Benefits for Your Health – Know Why Falsa is A Great Guilt-free Snack!

15 Amazing Falsa Benefits for Your Health – Know Why Falsa is A Great Guilt-free Snack!

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The Falsa, scientifically known as Grewia asiatica, is at the top of the list of exotic fruits in our nation. Falsa is a dark purple summer berry, with a sour tart-like taste. 

Falsa is frequently used to make sherbets and is a rich source of vitamins, and trace minerals, and is simple to digest. Do you know how falsa benefits your health? And what is falsa juice good for? Keep reading to explore!!

The falsa season in Pakistan starts with the arrival of summer. The intensity of heat increases and the sun blazes like a hot ball with each passing day. In such heat, a cold glass of Falsa juice feels like the only go-to thing. 

Falsa is considered an ‘Exotic Fruit’ in Pakistan. It is usually eaten raw with salt sprinkled. It is a cool fruit and keeps the body cool from the inside. But there is so much more to Falsa benefits that go unnoticed. 

Falsa benefits are countless, and falsa juice benefits are immense for your health. Let’s get to know what this amazing fruit truly holds for your well-being. 

The Nutritional Value of Falsa Fruit

It is once again that time of the year when fruit shops get filled with the sweet sights of Falsa fruit. You must wait for it all year long. Even the imagination of Falsa is mouth-watering, right? 

Falsa fruit is extremely nutritious. Let’s break down this fruit into the nutrients that it contains. A 100 grams of falsa fruit has:

  • Water – 80g
  • Protein – 13g
  • Carbohydrates – 14.7g 
  • Calcium – 129 mg
  • Iron – 3.1 mg
  • Magnesium – 72 mg
  • Phosphorous – 39 mg
  • Vitamin C – 22 mg

It has portions of vitamin B1, vitamin B3, vitamin B2, and vitamin A as well. 

Falsa Fruit Benefits

Falsa fruit is similar to grapes in size and appearance. As you have already read, the nutrient profile of this small purple berry is rich. The most important thing to notice is the water content of Falsa. It possesses significantly high water and moisture that keeps you hydrated during hot summers. 

Now, let’s explore Falsa benefits for your health:

1- Falsa is Good for Brain Health

The antioxidants in falsa are amazing at protecting you from certain mental disorders e.g depression, and anxiety.  

If you feel as if your brain is getting weak due to stress and workload, you should try adding falsa to your daily fruit portion. The benefits of falsa will help boost the power of your brain to work to its maximum capacity. Eating falsa improves your learning, memory, and spatial reasoning. 

Research shows that the phytoconstituents in falsa are helpful at reducing neurological disorders. This property is due to rich antioxidants. 

2- Falsa Benefits in Pregnancy 

You must be thinking, can you have falsa in pregnancy? Are there any falsa benefits in pregnancy? Well, that’s a yes without any doubt. 

You should consume falsa in moderation to have any severe side effects. There are no medically proven complications related to eating falsa, while pregnant. It is beneficial for your health and for your baby’s, as it contains a lot of essential vitamins and minerals. 

Incredible as it may seem, the falsa fruit has a fantastic nutrient profile that makes it advantageous during pregnancy as well. The essential vitamins and trace elements needed during pregnancy are all brought with them. 

It is a fruit that is best consumed during pregnancy due to its antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory characteristics. Having falsa during pregnancy has the following health advantages: 

Treats your gestational diabetes well: Glycemic index is low in false fruit. So, the blood sugar levels of pregnant women who consume this fruit won’t rise. For mothers who have gestational diabetes, it is one of the beneficial false benefits. 

Supports digestion: Having different stomach problems when pregnant is rather typical. But it is also problematic. These digestive problems during pregnancy range from acid reflux to constipation and bloating.

Falsa is helpful in this circumstance. Consuming this fruit when pregnant helps prevent dyspepsia and its related problems because it is high in fiber. 

Prevents hypertension: Falsa contains a substantial amount of potassium and phosphorus, which helps to prevent hypertension. Therefore, consuming falsa while pregnant may assist to control blood pressure. 

Successfully combats anemia: Pregnancy complications frequently include anemia. Throughout the course of pregnancy, the blood volume increases by 50%. Anemia during pregnancy is a result of inadequate iron consumption.

Numerous problems might arise from anemia when pregnant. Iron is abundant in Falsa. Falsa is food that pregnant women can eat to increase their iron levels and fend off anemia and excessive exhaustion. 

Get to know more about iron-rich foods to fight anemia

NOTE: If you want to know more about falsa benefits in pregnancy, you must consult a well-known Gynecologist to make an informed decision regarding the addition of fruits to your diet. To make an appointment, you can visit our website Healthwire

3- Relieves Joint Pain

Due to many vitamins and antioxidants, falsa has anti-inflammatory properties. It is valuable in relieving you from severe joint and bone pains. In the case of arthritis and osteoporosis, it helps in the mobility of joints. 

Also, it is rich in calcium which is why it empowers healthy bones. 

4- Keeps the Heart Healthy

Falsa is such an amazing fruit that it has countless benefits for your heart. It improves blood circulation. It purifies the blood of toxins. It helps to regulate blood pressure and keep it at a normal level. 

It also helps lower cholesterol levels in your body and prevents atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, and heart attack. In this way, falsa benefits you with a healthily functioning heart. 

5- Falsa Benefits to Make Muscles Strong

Falsa benefits you with strong and flexible muscles. It has potassium and calcium which strengthens the muscles and improves their function as well. Due to the high protein content in falsa, falsa benefits your body by providing more energy. 

6- Treats Anemia

As mentioned above, falsa has an immense portion of Iron. Iron is the mineral needed for the healthy production of red blood cells, as it is the main part of hemoglobin. It maintains the smooth flow of blood between organs and tissues.

If you have iron deficiency or anemia, eat the ripe falsa fruit. Falsa benefits will help you in boosting iron levels as well as provide you relief from dizziness and fatigue. 

7- Falsa Benefits to Combat Respiratory Problems

Falsa benefits in combating respiratory illnesses. That’s why it is often advised for asthma, bronchitis, colds, coughs, and sore throats. 

It is rich in many nutrients and minerals, including magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, carbohydrates, and vitamins A and C, which are beneficial for the lungs’ relief. 

If you want to know more about asthma, read about natural ways to treat asthma

8- Falsa is A Good Source of Sodium

One of the benefits of falsa is that it provides a substantial amount of sodium. Falsa helps the muscle and enzymes function by acting as an electrolyte and necessary ion.

It is a fruit that enhances nervous system functionality and is essential for blood management. As a result, it is one of the top fruit benefits and is also your main source of sodium. 

Falsa Juice Benefits

Just like falsa fruit, falsa juice benefits you in many ways. Before telling you about the benefits of falsa juice for your health, let me tell you an amazing recipe to make falsa juice at home.

  • Take 3 cupfuls of Falsa. Soak them in water for a few hours. 
  • Make a fine paste. 
  • Heat sugar and water in a pan to make syrup. 
  • Add this syrup to the falsa paste. 
  • Mix it with some black salt, and top it up with cold water.  
  • You can garnish it with mint leaves. Your delicious Falsa Sherbet is ready.

Now, let’s know the benefits of falsa juice on your health. 

9- Falsa Juice Gives A Natural Cooling Effect

The falsa juice provides instant relief from the heat, during summers. You must consume it every day to cool a heated-up body and hydrate yourself. 

False juice is a good option for sunburn victims. It also provides relief from heatstroke. 

10- Cleanses the Digestive System

One of the other benefits of falsa juice is that it is amazing for your digestive system. It helps in the smooth functioning of the stomach. 

Falsa benefits for weight loss stem from this quality. A clean digestive system works to its fullest, and it helps you lose weight effectively. It provides relief from stomach aches as well. 

If you are having stomach aches after eating, and you are worried about this, you should read about some easy ways to get relief from stomach pain

11- Falsa Juice for Your Heart

If you want to give your heart a healthy boost, drink falsa juice. Add a pinch of rock salt and black pepper to falsa juice, mix it well, and consume this drink. It is a great heart tonic. 

Falsa Benefits for Skin and Hair

Falsa fruit has many benefits for your hair and skin as well. The purple color of falsa is due to an antioxidant that is rich in anthocyanins. This chemical protects collagen. Collagen is a hormone essential for building your skin’s elasticity, and it restores a youthful glow to the skin.  

You can add this sweet fruit to your skin care regimen without a doubt. I have some amazing recipes for you that you can use in DIYs for hair and skin:

12- Get Relief from Dandruff

If you apply falsa juice with a cotton swab on your scalp, it will give you relief from dandruff. It provides a soothing effect on the skin of your head. 

13- Falsa Scrub for Your Face

If you want to have soft supple skin, follow this remedy. 

  • Mix falsa pulp with oats and egg yolk. 
  • Apply it to the face and leave for 15 minutes. 
  • Moisten with water, and rub your face gently in small circular movements. 
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water. 

14- Falsa Face Pack to Remove Tan

Falsa fruit packs help you in getting rid of the tan on your skin. Mix falsa pulp with ground almonds and a little turmeric. Apply on the face for 1 minute, and then wash. This pack will give you a fair complexion, free of tan. 

15- Falsa Pack for Oily Skin 

If you are worried about having oily skin this summer, just try this DIY. Soak falsa leaves in hot water for a couple of hours. Make a paste of the leaves and fruit pulp. Add Multani mitti to this mixture. Apply on oily and acne-prone skin. Wash off when it dries. It will give your skin a hydrated and fresh look. 

Tips on Consuming Falsa Fruit 

This fruit should always be kept at room temperature and eaten right away.

Furthermore, if you want it to last a week, put it in the fridge. 

Now, how to consume falsa fruit. Some tips are as follows:

  • Eat t directly without removing seeds as they have a satisfying crunch.
  • You can also use black salt to season falsa before consumption since it improves its flavor.
  • Another way is to make tasty falsa juice by squeezing or blending falsa with water, black salt, sugar, and ice.
  • Additionally, it can be added to salads, smoothies, and drinks. 

Falsa Side Effects

Falsa is generally a great fruit with many amazing benefits. The only side effects occur when you consume it in excessive amounts. It can lead to allergic reactions.

Also, women who are pregnant or nursing should only consume a small amount of it. Pregnant women who consume excessive amounts of phalsa may have abrupt changes in body temperature. 

The wise thing to do is, to drink falsa juice no more than 2 glasses per day. 


You must be amazed to know of falsa benefits and falsa juice benefits for your health, skin, and hair. I know you are eagerly waiting for the falsa season to arrive. It is a natural gift. Falsa juice is delectable, refreshing and a fantastic beverage for you to enjoy.

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