Home Child Care & Health How To Get Rid of Baby Gas Fast? Tips You Must Try!

How To Get Rid of Baby Gas Fast? Tips You Must Try!

Get Rid of Baby Gas Fast
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While there are many other issues with babies that often bother their parents, the biggest concern is to keep your baby as peaceful as you can. 

But this peacefulness can be often perturbed if your baby is suffering from gas in the belly. Unlike adults who get stomach gas due to some dietary issues, there could be plenty of reasons why this happens to the most babies

Causes of Gas in Newborn Babies

The most common causes that can fill up air in the babies are as follows:

Babies Who are on Breastfeeding or Milk Feeders

Be it formula feeding or breastfeeding, both of these methods can fill up air in the stomach of your baby. Look out for the positions in which you are feeding your baby. This can really take to getting the answer of how to get rid of baby gas.

Babies Who Suck Pacifiers

Pacifiers can also fill up the stomach of babies with unnecessary air.

Babies Who have Lactose Intolerance of some Sort

Look out for the contents of the formula, if your baby has some lactose intolerance issues. This can be a major cause of gas in newborn babies.

Baby Trying on New Foods

It is generally preferred to keep the baby on milk for some time so that the gut can develop properly. Different foods can cause gas in newborns or young babies.

Minor Gastrointestinal Tract Infection

Gas in babies is of no significant trouble and has no major cause but if you observe that your baby has some other issues like constipation or bloody stools then it can indicate some gastrointestinal tract infection.

Immature Digestive System

Babies have an immature digestive system that can be termed as the cause of gas. So, how to get rid of baby gas then?

There could be some other causes as well but above mentioned are the most common causes. 

Signs of Gas In Newborn Babies

Identifying a baby suffering from stomach gas is often not a big deal as they are mostly uncomfortable or you may find them in extreme pain as well. 

It has also been reported that the most common time for babies to feel uncomfortable is between late night till early morning. 

However, there is no specific trend and your baby can feel uncomfortable anytime. 

So you need to be more vigilant and cautious in this regard.

 lookout for these symptoms in your baby;

  • Baby getting fussy 
  • The Baby’s tummy getting hard
  • Baby crying on a periodic basis
  • The baby may get multiple burps too
  • The baby is not getting enough sleep
  • The baby is extremely uncomfortable and is pulling his legs up to the chest

These are the major symptoms that are mostly observed in gassy babies. Now get to the main concern as how to get rid of baby gas fast?

How To Get Rid of Baby Gas Fast?

Position to Relieve Gas in Newborn Babies

Different positions can help you to relieve a gassy baby. Try out these positions and postures to treat and  avoid gas in babies

Baby bicycles move the legs of the baby in a small circular motion as this can help to ease down the intestinal motion and can also help the babies with gas and bloating issues.

Burp your Baby

This may not sound unfamiliar to you but it surely plays a very important role in getting rid of baby gas fast. Try to hold the baby in an upright position so that they can easily take burps. This will help to keep your baby feeling relaxed and full to the stomach.

Try Infant Gas Drops

Experts at Doctors Hospital say that this will work for many babies and it has proved to be a major source of comfort for babies and ultimately their parents.

But to be on the safe side it is generally preferred to get the best suggestion often from pediatricians before using these drops that answer the question of how to get rid of baby gas in newborn babies fast.

Mothers should Check out their Diets

Although this notion is not so prevalent these days, as a matter of fact, if you are breastfeeding your baby there is a high chance that the food you take in your diet may adversely affect the health of your baby.

Different products are often given a check while you are breastfeeding your baby. 

The most common products that are generally thought to be the cause of gas in babies include the following;

  • Leafy vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and cabbage
  • Dietary products
  • Carbonated beverages 
  • Excessive intake of caffeine

Side read: Get to know about 9 signs of a healthy baby.

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Baby Gas Fast

The best possible solution is to massage the babies near the belly region which will help to keep the bowel motion smooth and will ease the passing of gas from their bellies fast.

Massage with Oils

The oils that can be used include the following

  • Pomace olive oil
  • Mustard oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Coconut oil

Dr. Nida Badar who is one of the top pediatricians in Pakistan says that another thing that can be used in conjunction with these oils includes the carom seeds commonly called Ajwain. You just have to take a handful of oil in a pan and add a teaspoon full of carom seeds.

Give it a light stir on a low flame and use this oil to massage the baby. Carom seeds will definitely help to get rid of the baby gas issue fast.

Water And Mint Leaves

Another home remedy includes the administration of water mixed with mint leaves. Take water in a pan and add some leaves of mint to it. Give it a light boil on a low flame.

Take it off the flame and let it cool down. Now by using a dropper, give 2 to 3 drops to your gassy baby. This remedy will surely help you to ease your baby.

How To Differentiate Between A Colic Baby And A Gassy Baby?

Most parents often think that their babies are colic but it is not always the case. Colic babies have different patterns than normal babies having gas in their bellies. 

For colic babies, there is a pattern being observed that they are crying for more than 3 hours a day or 3 days in a row in a week or they are crying or feeling uncomfortable for 3 weeks in a month. Other than that, it is quite normal for babies to develop gas. 

What Age Groups Are The Most Prone To This?

This gas issue is more prevalent in infants that are trying to develop their digestive systems. And as soon as their digestive systems are fully functional this issue will subside on its own. The general period for this issue is observed to be from birth to three months of age. Most babies develop the necessary probiotics in their gut by this duration and are good to go. But there could be some exceptions and this issue can prolong up to 6 months of age as well.

Suggested Read: Stomach Heat Treatment

Takeaway Note

There could be multiple reasons for your baby to develop this gas problem. There is no need to worry as the issue will get better on its own. The above-mentioned treatments on how to get rid of baby gas fast will surely help you.

But if you still have some reservations and concerns, then it is always advisable to get the best possible suggestion. Get an appointment today with the best child specialist in your area and get your baby treated.

For more blogs on child care and health, visit our website healthwire.pk.

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