Technology has modified the outlook of this world and has become an integral component of our lives.
The increasing use of technology on one hand has made our lives easier but on the other hand it has resulted in some dreadful changes particularly in children. The extended use of technology in childhood is resulting in disastrous changes.
Parenting In Age Of Technology
Parenting in this age of technology poses different tough scenarios. One of these tough cases is dealing with children and their screen times. This may deteriorate the overall health, particularly the eyes. But there is another threat that is due to excessive use of technology in children.
One of those changes rather side effects of excessive use of technology in childhood is the weak limbs.
In this case, the children don’t grow to their maximum potential and they have to suffer from physical weakness, particularly in their arms. In this ailment are the weak limbs in which the children don’t have the capacity to hold things properly.
Let us discover more about childhood technology and weak limbs. We will also try to find suitable solutions and alternatives for the excessive use of technology.
Possible Effect of Childhood Technology on Limbs
Holding smartphones and tablets for a longer period of time will severely affect the muscle of the limbs. Also the terrible position a child holds smartphones and devices in, is also a contributing factor in the limb’s weakness.
According to the top pediatrician in Lahore, Dr. Nida Badar “Muscles need proper time to relax and when they are devoid of that time they will start to degrade over the passage of time.” Just like you need energy for the movement by using your skeletal muscles in a similar manner, the muscles of the limb also need continual supply of energy.
If they are not getting enough energy then they will be shifting to other options to make up the energy deficiency. This will make them sore and will affect their overall well being.
Also the extensive childhood technology, be it in any manner, will severely affect muscle development and will result in weakness of limbs.
One might question the continuous emphasis on this childhood technology and weak limbs. This is because these weak limbs will lead to malfunctioning at pre-school and school level. According to the paediatric expert from the Heart of England NHS foundation Trust, The ability to hold scissors and pencils has greatly reduced in recent times which is a shocking revelation and can be attributed to the excessive use of technology.
Other Side Effects of Excessive Use of Technology
The other negative side effects which are due to excessive childhood technology are as follows:
Poor Social Skills
The children who are continuously busy in these technologies and they are carrying these everywhere with them are not only suffering from the physical issues but are also facing issues in managing their social lives.
These children tend to stay home and are always engaged in their own smartphones and tablets. These childhood technologies will affect the social connections.
These children often face difficulty in communicating things with others and they also suffer from social anxiety and depression.
Decreased Memory
Exposure to childhood technology for an extended period of time is affecting the memory as well. There are cases when the children can’t focus on things properly and are always lacking the enough drive and motivation to do the things properly.
They also experience issues in retaining their work and have decreased memory issues.
Side note: Get to know about these 9 signs if your child is growing normally and whether he/she is living a healthy life?
Childhood Obesity
Childhood obesity is also linked with the increased use of technology. The children tend to stay indoors for a longer duration of time and they don’t engage in other outdoor games. This means they will have less physical activity making them obese and overweight.
The increasing trends of childhood obesity is also linked with the frequent use of junk foods and soda drinks that have replaced other healthy snacks like fruits and dry fruits.
Obviously burgers and pizza are the perfect match when watching some horror movies. Thus technology is shaping lives in ways that are unimaginable.
The recent studies have also shown that things are going downhill with a major spike in childhood obesity cases.
Solutions for Managing Childhood Technology And Weak Limbs
There are many solutions available that can reduce the exposure to the technology. But this may include the active participation of parents. Following things should be done in order to help with technology in childhood.
Outdoor Games
Outdoor games should be encouraged and the children should be engaged in these games.
Parents should accompany their children to parks and other recreational sites. Playing games with children not only gives them the time to break the monotonous routine of extended exposure to technology but also helps in maintaining the necessary social contact.
Hand Cerebral Palsy Toys
There are toys which can help with the hand cerebral palsy. This may include the followings:
Mega Bloks
These mega bloks help in developing fine motor skills. They also help in weak limbs development and improve the holding capacity of the children.
This will also help in developing the creativity in them and they can arrange these mega bloks in a creative manner that will give them enough drive to manage things.
This will also help in reducing the screen time which will once again be necessary for their overall health and well being.
Painting is also a good tool in limiting the exposure to the screen. Parents can even paint with their children to give them confidence and to engage with them.
Different strokes of brush will be helping in guiding the smooth and accurate motions. This will develop the muscles of the limbs properly serving as a solution to weak limbs.
If you are afraid that the children will put their fingers in their mouths. Then consider using whipped cream mixed with food colours.
Present Yourself as Example
Children often learn by visual examples. If they find out that their parents are continuously busy with their smartphones and don’t have the time to interact with them then this will also give them the reason for using these technologies.
Interact with them as much as you can and try to converse with them rather than using smartphones and tablets as the only soothing options.
This will develop confidence and will also help in overall development and growth.
Clear the “Sleep is for the Weak” Misconception
You may find your children often working on this principle that sleep is for the weak. So it is necessary to make them aware of this huge misconception. This can only be done if parents engage with children properly. Getting to know these myths is a daily ritual for children.
It can be inculcated in their naive minds through any means. However the need of hour is to act actively and on time to avoid these misconceptions
Sleeping on proper time will provide them energy to cope up with daily tasks more effectively and prudently. This will also help them in keeping their health in balanced levels.
Also update yourself with these 10 things that your children need for a healthy growth and a happy life.
The TakeAway
The final takeaway of the above mentioned discussion is that children should be engaged in other activities. These activities should aim at limiting their contact with the harmful screens.
As they say that excess of everything is bad so consider giving your children these gadgets for a limited time. They should not be easily available for them. Set some physical tasks and then as a reward give them these gadgets.
It is the only way to limit the use of technology and to reduce the chances of physical abnormalities.
If you think that despite your efforts you are unable to limit the time of screen and technology then consult with the paediatrician and get the best advice to cope up with the issues.
Make an appointment today with the best child specialist and to get yourself updated about other issues related to childcare and health visit our website