Small Pox
Overview of Small Pox
Small Pox Meaning in Urdu
چیچک ایک جِلدی بیماری ہے جو کہ وائرل انفیکشن کی وجہ سے لاحق ہوتی ہے۔ اگر یہ بیماری شدت اختیار کر جائے تو اس کی وجہ سے موت بھی واقع ہو سکتی ہے۔ چیچک کو ایک متعدی بیماری ہے جو کہ ایک شخص سے دوسرے فرد میں منتقل ہو سکتی ہے۔ چیچک کی وجہ سے جِلد بری طرح متاثر ہوتی ہے۔ اس کی بنیادی علامات میں بخار، پٹھوں کا درد، سر درد، شدید تھکاوٹ، قے، اور شدید کمر درد شامل ہے۔ چیچک کی وجہ بننے والا وائرس جب جسم میں منتقل ہوتا ہے تو بارہ سے چودہ دنوں بعد اس بیماری کی علامات ظاہر ہوتی ہیں۔
Smallpox (چیچک/Chichak) is an infectious disease caused by a deadly virus. It is a contagious disease for which there is no cure. Smallpox is also called Variola. In 1980, smallpox was completely eradicated thanks to a global immunization campaign.
Smallpox is an ancient disease, first discovered in Egypt. It is a devastating disease and its worldwide epidemics have filled the books of history.
Still, there is no cure for smallpox. It can be prevented only by vaccination. The first smallpox vaccine was developed in 1758. However, the side effects of this vaccine outweigh its benefits.
Occurrence of Smallpox
Currently, there is no evidence of naturally occurring smallpox transmission anywhere in the world. Although a worldwide immunization program eradicated smallpox disease decades ago, small quantities of smallpox virus officially still exist in two research laboratories in Atlanta, Georgia, and Russia.
Signs and Symptoms of Small Pox
The early symptoms of smallpox typically begin within 10-14 days after infection. Its incubation period is 7-17 days during which a person is asymptomatic and healthy.
After the incubation period, suddenly a set of flu-like symptoms appear. Some of the common symptoms of smallpox are:
After some time, flat and red spots develop on the face, hands, and forearms, which then spreads to the trunk region. Within 1-2 days, these lesions filled with pus and were called small blisters. Further, the blisters turn into scabs in the next 8-9 days. These scabs then suddenly fall off leaving deep marks on the skin.
Lesions can also develop in the mucosal walls of the nose and mouth. These lesions, later on, turned into sores.
Types of Small Pox
Causes of Small Pox
Variola virus is responsible for smallpox occurrence. The virus can be transmitted by following routes:
- Direct Contact: Variola virus can transmit from one person to another by direct contact. Direct transmission requires long-term contact. The virus is spread in the air by droplets released during coughing, sneezing or talking.
- Indirect Spread: In some rare cases, airborne viruses can spread through other ways such as the ventilation system in a building. Through this people on other floors or rooms are also infected.