3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant Allergens Profile

What is 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant Allergens Profile Test?

3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant Allergen Profile test is done to detect presence of IgE antibodies in blood due to allergic reactions. This test is done on individuals who are susceptible to reacting to certain chemicals. This test helps your primary care doctor to make more accurate diagnoses of what kind of allergic reactions you may have.

What is 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant Allergens Profile Test Price in Pakistan?

Based on your locality and laboratory, the test price for 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant Allergens Profile test may vary from 5400-7000 PKR. You can avail discounts on lab tests if you book them from Healthwire.pk.

How can I book a 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant Allergens Profile Test near me?

You can easily book a 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant Allergens Profile test online. Doctors at Hameed Latif Hospital rely on Healthwire and refer patients there for efficient booking of 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant Allergens Profile Test. To book a 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant Allergens Profile test at affordable price in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and other major cities, you can call us at 042352500989/02137130261 or click on the test for instant booking.

To book your 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant Allergens Profile test:

  • You can simply click on the lab test online via our web healthwire.pk or Healthwire app
  • Select 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant Allergens Profile test or upload prescription
  • Pay in cash or online (debit/credit card, jazzcash)
  • You can also opt for free home sampling
  • Our representative will call you for confirmation

You can also call us at 042352500989 or click on the test for instant booking. You can also avail discount on the 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant Allergens Profile test price if you book your test via healthwire.

Why is 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant Allergens Profile Test conducted?

3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant test is done to check the presence of IgE in your blood. This is most common for people who have severe allergy reactions or undiagnosed allergy reactions. With this test, it becomes easier for your healthcare provider to determine which course of treatment will suit your case the best.

When is 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant Allergens Profile Test performed?

An allergic test is done if you have any of the following conditions such as; 

  • Hay fever (usually due to pollen, a pet or from old mould)
  • Anaphylaxis ( severe allergy reaction to certain food chemicals)
  • Contact dermatitis (reaction when in contact with any chemical poisonous plant or certain metals)

These allergic symptoms can look like;

  • Cough 
  • Diarrhoea 
  • Abdominal pain 
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Eczema 
  • Watery burning eye with itching 
  • Sudden swelling

How to interpret 3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant Allergens Profile Test results?

An elevated level of IgE in blood, means an allergic reaction. Though the severity of your allergy reaction cannot be determined through this test. Your primary care doctor will be able to interpret your test results better, and guide you in a likewise manner.

You can also consult with top allergy doctors through Healthwire, or download our Healthwire app for instant doctor consultation. 

Book this lab test?

3gAllergy Specific IgE Universal Inhalant Allergens Profile

Rs. 5950.0 Rs. 7000

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Sub Total
Rs. 7000 Rs. 5950.0