A Quantiferon TB (IGRA) Gold test, also commonly referred to as QFT test, is a blood test done to see infection with tubulceloris. For this test, a small sample of your blood is taken and sent over the lab to get it tested. Quantiferon TB (IGRA) tests see the immune response against the infection in blood. QFT test may also be ordered in combination with other tests to have an accurate anay;sis for bacterial infection of ‘mycobacterium tuburceloris’ that is the main culprit in causing TB. QFT test is a more preferred test as a modern alternative as compared to other tests such as tuberculin skin test.
Quantiferon TB (IGRA) Gold Test price in Pakistan depends on your locality and your preferred laboratory. The cost price for Quantiferon TB (IGRA) Gold Test ranges between 6400-8000 PKR. You can avail discounts on this test if you choose to book your lab tests via Healthwire.
You can easily book a Quantiferon TB (IGRA) Gold test online. To book a Quantiferon TB (IGRA) Gold test at an affordable price in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and other major cities, you can call us at 042352500989/02137130261 or click on the test for instant booking.
To book your Quantiferon TB (IGRA) Gold test:
You can also call us at 042352500989 or click on the test for instant booking. You can also avail discount on the Quantiferon TB (IGRA) Gold test price if you book your test via healthwire.
Quantiferon TB (IGRA) Gold test may be done when your doctor suspects TB infection in your blood. This test is one of the most advanced and accurate methods of pinpointing the bacterial infection in blood, which is why this may be the most preferred way of detecting TB.
Quantiferon test may be done if you have a combination of any of the following symptoms that shows active TB infection;
The range for this particular test resides between positive and negative results. Your doctor is best suited for interpreting your results. It is best to immediately consult with a doctor once you get your results, so that they can further arrange the right treatment for you.