A Nuchal Translucency Scan test is an optional ultrasound performed in the first trimester of pregnancy to rule out any potential congenital disorders in a baby. It’s a highly effective and accurate diagnostic screening test that helps your doctor determine if your baby is at risk.
On an average a nuchal translucency scan test price in Pakistan ranges between 1500-4000 PKR.
You can easily book a Nuchal Translucency Scan test online through Healthwire.pk. Healthwire is the fastest growing digital healthcare platform, ensuring affordable and quality healthcare services to people from all over Pakistan. To book a Nuchal Translucency Scan test, please call us at 042352500989 (for Lahore & other cities) /02137130261 (for Karachi patients). Our representative will walk you through the complete test process.
You can also directly book our test from our Healthwire app, and avail further discounts.
Nuchal Translucency scan tests baby’s back neck fluid. Back neck fluid in developing babies is known to indicate genetic conditions. More fluid in this area indicates babies to have Down Syndrome, Patau Syndrome or Edwards Syndrome. The test also looks for additional anatomical structures in your unborn baby.
Nuchal Translucency Scan Test is done by abdominal ultrasound or vaginal ultrasound for nuchal translucency test. Using an ultrasound gel, a transducer (wand-like tool) is placed over your stomach to capture the disposition of your baby. Different fluid measurements will be done in regard to making a fulla assessment of your baby’s health.
Nuchal translucency scan test does not indicate any congenital condition alone. Your doctor will recommend a number of tests to know if your baby has any genetic or physical disorder. NT scans are additional screening to determine the likelihoods of having a certain condition. Your primary care doctor can only properly diagnose your result and further suggest your preventive measures to take.