TTG Test

What is the Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody (TTG) Test?

TTG test in Pakistan is a special diagnostic test that helps medical practitioners to diagnose celiac disease. This test is also helpful in determining the efficacy of a gluten-free diet as well. This test is commonly called TTG test, anti-TTG test, IgA TTG test, anti-TTG antibody test, IgA Anti-TTG test, IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase, celiac disease testing, TTG-IgA test, or celiac disease antibody testing.

Celiac disease is an auto-immune disorder. In this, our immune system thinks that gluten food i.e. wheat, rye, barley, oats, and rye are foreign invaders. This can lead to the production of transglutaminase antibodies that recognizes and eliminates foreign invaders.

TTG Test Price in Pakistan

The TTG test price in Pakistan ranges from (2000-3000) Rupees. The anti-TTG test price in Pakistan varies depending on the lab and city you choose for your test. However, to get a discount on TTG test prices in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Multan, and other major cities, you can book your test from Healthwire.

How Can I Book TTG/Anti-TTG Test Near Me?

You can easily book a TTG test online. For efficient service and affordable anti-TTG test prices in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and other major cities, you can rely on Healthwire. You can call us at 042352500989/02137130261 or click on the test for instant booking of the TTG test.

To book your TTG test:

  • You can simply click on the lab test online via our web or Healthwire app
  • Select TTG (Anti-TTG IgA test) or upload prescription
  • Pay in cash or online (debit/credit card, jazzcash)
  • Our representative will call you for confirmation

You can also call us at 042352500989 or click on the test for instant booking. You can also avail discount on the IgA TTG test cost if you book your test via

Why is TTG or Anti-TTG IgA Test Done?

If a person is allergic to gluten then it is a sign of celiac disease. Gluten is a protein in nature. It is present in food such as rye, wheat, and barley. Due to celiac disease, the immune system starts attacking the lining of the small bowel. This can lead to decreased ability of the small bowel to absorb nutrients. Sensitivity to gluten can lead to various symptoms and it is due to these symptoms that a doctor would suggest a celiac disease test, 

The symptoms include:

  • Anaemia
  • Abdominal pain
  • Gas
  • Fatigue and tiredness
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Weight loss
  • Malnutrition

TTG test is a special test that is conducted on a daily basis in the labs of Lahore, Karachi, Multan, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, and other major cities. 

Apart from the aforementioned symptoms, the TTG-IgA Test is conducted:

  • If an infant is being irritable for a longer period of time.
  • If the infant is not growing healthily.
  • In order to check if a person has a family history of celiac disease.
  • To check the efficacy of celiac disease treatment.

How to Interpret the TTG/IgA-TTG Test Results?

The result of the TTG IgA varies depending on gender, age, health, medical history, a method for a test, lab, and many other things. The test result may not mean that you have a disease. It could be due to many other reasons, that’s why you need to ask your doctor.
A medical specialist would use other procedures and tests to confirm if you have celiac disease.
If the test result shows a high amount of ‘anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies in the blood sample then you either suffer from celiac disease or any related disorder. However, there can be exceptions for younger kids because a test result can be negative even if they suffer from celiac disease. For this reason, they need to undergo other tests for proper diagnosis.

The results of the TTG-IgA are interpreted by the following table: 

Results (In Units)

Interpretation of the Test




Weak Positive



These ranges may vary from person to person.

If a test is positive, it means that a person is suffering from celiac disease.
A negative test indicates that symptoms are not due to celiac disease. The test may also be falsely negative if the person has not eaten anything that contains gluten for several weeks and months.
For the diagnosis of celiac disease, an intestinal biopsy is also done after the TTG-IgA test.

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TTG Test

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