COVID-19 Reinfection Linked to Irreversible Brain Damage


by Naba Batool

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According to the latest studies, reinfection of COVID-19 can cause serious health complications, leading to increased hospitalizations. Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis said, "Reinfection with COVID-19 increases the risk of both acute outcomes and long COVID. This was evident in unvaccinated, vaccinated, and boosted people."

This study thrives on data collected from the US Department of Veterans Affairs from March 1, 2020, to April 6, 2022. The population mainly consisted of the male gender. The results concluded that COVID-19 reinfection can double the risk of fatality as well as triple the risk of hospitalizations. Furthermore, this reinfection can also lead to increased complications of the lung, blood, kidneys, diabetes, and mental health problems.

The study head, Dr. Al-Aly said that "Even if one had a prior infection and was vaccinated - meaning they had double immunity from prior infection plus vaccines - they are still susceptible to adverse outcomes upon reinfection".

One major limitation of this study was that the included population does not reflect the general population. The people involved in the sample collection were old, sick and men who were normally inclined toward high risks of health complications. However, the study does hold some ground and therefore it is advised to follow the SOPs even when the pandemic is toning down.

Al-Aly further went on to say that “We had started seeing a lot of patients coming to the clinic with an air of invincibility," he told Reuters. "They wondered, 'Does getting a reinfection really matter?' The answer is yes, it absolutely does."


Therefore people need to be aware of the fact that reinfections can occur and might lead to severe consequences and thus precautions are necessary.