
Overview of Fits

Fits Meaning in Urdu

جب دماغ میں الیکٹریکل سرگرمی میں اچانک خلل واقع ہوتا ہے تو غشی کے دورے کا سامنا کرنا پڑتا ہے۔ غشی کے دورے کی وجہ سے رویے میں تبدیلی واقع ہو جاتی ہے اور مختلف چیزوں کو محسوس کرنے کا احساس بھی تبدیل ہو جاتا ہے۔ اگر آپ کو بار بار غشی کے دورے کا سامنا کرنا پڑتا ہے تو یہ دورے مرگی کی علامت ہو سکتے ہیں۔ غشی کے دوروں کو مختلف اقسام میں تقسیم کیا جاتا ہے۔ زیادہ تر یہ دورے تیس سیکنڈز سے لے کر دو منٹوں کے لیے ظاہر ہو سکتے ہیں۔ اگر غشی کے دورے کا دورانیہ پانچ منٹوں سے بڑھ جائے تو جلد از جلد ڈاکٹر سے رابطہ کرنا چاہیئے۔

Fit or seizures are caused by a sudden electrical disturbance in the brain. The symptoms can vary from mild to severe. 

The common symptoms include violent uncontrollable shaking and twitching. The symptoms can be an indication of some serious underlying medical conditions. its/ seizures require immediate medical conditions. 

Signs and Symptoms of Fits

It is possible that you experience both focal and generalized seizures at the same time. They can last from a few seconds to up to 15 minutes per episode. 

Common symptoms that usually occur before a seizure or a fit are: 

  • Dizziness 
  • Headache 
  • Change in vision 
  • Shaking of arms or legs 
  • Jerky movements in the body that might cause you to drop things
  • A feeling of being sick to your stomach 
  • Nausea 
  • A feeling of fear or anxiousness 

Look out for these symptoms as they indicate a seizure or fit-in in progress: 

  • Losing consciousness followed by confusion 
  • Having uncontrollable muscle movements 
  • Drooling or frothing at the mouth 
  • Falling without no apparent reason 
  • A strange taste in the mouth 
  • Clenched teeth 
  • Tongue biting 
  • Sudden and rapid eye movements 
  • Making unusual noises
  • Uncontrollable bowel movements 
  • Sudden mood changes 

Types of Fits

According to International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE), seizures can be classified as: 

Focal Onset Seizures 

These seizures occur in only one part of the brain. If you are aware that you are having a seizure, it is called a focal aware seizure. If you are unaware that you are having a seizure, this is known as a focal impaired awareness seizure. 

Generalized Onset Seizure 

These seizures start on both sides of the brain simultaneously. The most common types of generalized onset seizures are: 

  • Tonic-Clonic: Tonic symbolizes muscle stiffening and clonic refers to jerky arms and legs during convulsions. These seizures are also known as grand mai seizures. You may lose consciousness and these seizures can last for a few minutes. 
  • Absence: These seizures only last for a few seconds in this type of seizure, you blink repeatedly or stare into space.  Some people might mistakenly diagnose them as daydreaming. 
  • Atonic: These seizures are brief and last for about 15 seconds. They are also called “Drop attacks”. Your muscles may suddenly go limp and your entire body can fall to the ground. 

Unknown Onset Seizures 

These are the types of seizures that have no apparent cause. They can occur anytime anywhere. 

Causes of Fits

Seizures or fits can result from a number of causes. They can indicate the onset of some serious medical conditions. Possible causes of seizures are: 


Seizures have hereditary characteristics. Inform your doctor immediately if you have a family history of fits or seizures. 



Risk Factors of Fits

Risk factors of the fits include:

Complications of Seizures and Fits 

  • Learning difficulty 
  • Food going into windpipe when a seizures occurs 
  • Side effects of medicines 
  • Injury from fall if a seizure occurs



You can prevent seizures in the following ways:

  • Seek help through medications 
  • Cut down on alcohol 
  • Maintain a sleep schedule 
  • Avoid any strong and flashlights 
  • Have healthy meal 
  • Consciously practice stress management 
  • Avoid substance abuse


The treatment of seizures and fits depends upon the type of fit you are having. The doctor will consider your full medical background and all the events leading up to the seizure. Lab tests would also help your doctor to rule out other conditions that can cause seizure-like activity. 

Some possible lab tests can be: 

  • A blood test to check electrolyte imbalance 
  • A spinal tap to rule out infection 
  • A toxicology screening to test for any possible drugs, poisons or toxins in the body 
  • CT scan 
  • MRI Test
  • EEG 

Treatment of Fits | When to Consult a Doctor

The treatment of seizure depends upon its cause of it. Your doctor would first treat the cause of the recurring fits and seizures. 

Some possible treatment options include: 

  • Medications 
  • Surgery to remove any abnormalities in the brain 
  • Following a special diet 

In case you exhibit any concerning signs and symptoms, consult a medical professional such a neurologist as soon as possible.

Best Hospitals for Fits Treatments